Lou MacNarin School

Grades | Language(s) | No. of Students |
Kindergarten, 1-5 | English French Immersion | 838 |
School Hours:
Kindergarten-5: 08:15 - 14:35
Lunch Break:
Kindergarten-5: 11:40 - 12:10
555 Gauvin Road
Dieppe, New Brunswick
E1A 1M7
School District:
Anglophone East School District
Bounded on North by Route 15, North on Route 132 to and Including Malakoff Road, Marcelin and Melanson. West Boundary: East Main Traffice Circle; South along Petitcodiac River to Taylor Village, Including Amirault, Dover, Principale,
Beaumount, South Bounary: Breau Creek Road, Anderson Mill, Gros Bouleau, Corner of Royal, Route 106, and Anderson Settlement, All areas South of Route 15 and East of Petitcodiac River; East Boundary: South on Route 2 to just past
where it crosses Memramcook East, Woodhurst about 3.5 km past Breau Creek and Woodhurst corner, and where Aboujagane meets Route 933. (Everything West of Route 2)