Daily Schedule

Students should not arrive at school prior to 8:05 a.m. as teachers do not begin to supervise until this time.

Please note if your child is late arriving at school, please check into the office to sign in. If your child is going to be absent, please call our safe arrival line 856-3411.

If you pick up your child early, please visit the office and sign your child out.

At the end of the day, if you are picking up your child, please wait in our school lobby until the dismissal bell rings.​

7:45 amSupervision Begins
8:15 amEntry Bell
8:15 am -
8:25 am
Entry and Morning Announcements
9:35 am - 10:10 amPeriod 3 / Recess A
10:10 am - 10:45 amPeriod 4 / Recess B
11:55 am - 12:45 pmLunch / Recess
2:35 pmDismissal (All Grades)
Wet and Winter Weather Procedures

When weather is inclement, administration will make a decision on students staying inside or exiting the building for recreational times. Announcements will be made to make staff and students aware when indoor protocols will be followed. Students taking busses will enter through the main doors. Students dropped off in the Drop Off Zone will enter the building through the back doors. Before school, all students will proceed to the cafeteria until a second teacher reports for duty. Second duty teacher will bring students to their assigned areas and monitor the hallways. During indoor snack and lunch recess, students will remain in their classes. All students will wait in the cafeteria for duty teachers, before moving to assigned areas at 8:05 Grades Kindergarten to grade 2 will remain in the cafeteria. . Grade 3’s will stay in the cafeteria until 8:15 and then proceed to assigned areas. Grades 4, and 5 will move to assigned classrooms.

Breakfast Club Procedures

Students may enter the Breakfast Club once supervising staff/volunteers have arrived. If food is not ready, students sit at the tables and wait. Students need to put their book bag on the back of the chair and remove their mittens, jacket, etc. Once food is ready, students can line up. Students are encouraged to try new foods but ultimately can choose what to eat but their choice must include a piece of fruit. When they are finished eating students need to put their garbage away and put their dishes in the grey dish bin. Students go outside or to the cafeteria/their classrooms once they are finished eating. Students are not permitted to stay in the Breakfast Club once they are finished eating.

Social Club Procedures

Students must report to the social club at the beginning of their unstructured times. Names of assigned students will be posted. Additional short term attendee’s will be posted as well. Students must wait to be dismissed from the social club. Activities – no technology, no weapon/fighting play, or other activities determined to be negatively impact the social learning of others. Schedule different activities for social club to encourage conversation/social skills development.

Teaching Playground Procedures

(Before School) When students arrive at school they will proceed to the gym and meet with assigned staff. (Recess) Students will go to the gym and engage in activities that are safe and appropriate for their skills and level of development. Students will remove outdoor clothing/footwear. Grade 5 Leadership Students will help support pro social skill development by modelling appropriate behavior while engaging students in physical activities. The goal of the teaching playground is for students to be able to safely transition to the outdoor playground.

Teaching Cafeteria Procedures

Students must report to the Breakfast Club at the beginning of lunch. Students must remain in the Breakfast Club for the entire lunch time and be dismissed by the supervisors. No technology is permitted in the teaching cafeteria. Students must sit and behave in a pro-social manner – inside voices, remain in assigned seats, ask for permission to go to the washroom (in the Breakfast Club), turn taking, active listening, guided conversation, learning to eat/engage with others. Students must sign in daily – attendance. Additional students may be assigned on a short term basis. Supervisors will be notified. Goal is to have students be able to transition into the regular cafeteria. Students will stay in the Teaching Cafeteria until the end of the lunch period and then transition to their next activity.

K-2 Lunch Duty

(11:40 – 12:05) CAFETERIA (5 RULES) – Students will be expected to:

1. Sit at assigned tables with their class
2. Use an indoor voice and behave in an appropriate manner
3. Raise their hands to leave their seats (ask Duty Teacher ONLY for bathrooms)
4. Have a clean table and floor by cleaning up their lunches (Duty Teachers circulate with a green garbage bag)
5. Sit and wait at their assigned table until dismissed by the duty teacher (12:05 – 12:15) HALLWAY – (teacher must be there by 12:05) one teacher meets students at ramp and one teacher meets GRADE 2’S at top of MAIN stairs standing on right hand side (by computer lab) and gradually guides students down the hall *duty teachers will need their keys*

1. Other Hallway duty teacher must make cafeteria teacher aware that they are reporting for hall duty by standing by ramp
2. Cafeteria duty teacher starts dismissing GRADE 2 tables first by sending them to the main stairs to meet the other Hallway duty teacher. K and 1 tables are then dismissed one by one to follow the hallway duty teacher by the ramp.
3. Students return their lunch bags and finish getting ready (hats, mitts, scarves and coats etc.) at their hooks
4. K and Grade 1 students stand and wait at their hooks.
5. Hallway duty teacher starting with GRADE 1’s will dismiss line ups class by class.
6. Once outdoor duty teachers are present Hallway duty teacher can start to dismiss K’s when ready.

*All students must be outdoors BEFORE the hallway duty teacher can leave.

Line ups for K-2 recesses to enter building –( students will be shown their assigned area)

Students in Kindergarten line up in 1 long line in front of a K pylon, Gr. 2 students will line up in in 1 long line parallel to school by sidewalk Gr. 1 students will line up in 1 long line, parallel to school on the sidewalk.

Toys, balls etc. – to be included in grade level newsletters reminding parents that students are NOT encouraged to bring toys to school.

Cafeteria Procedures

K – 2 Students must sit in assigned seating areas.(see K – 2 cafeteria procedures) Grades 3 – 5 students may sit where they choose unless directed by supervisors to sit in an assigned seat.

Students must wait to be dismissed and/or line up.

Students are responsible for cleaning up their lunches and sorting their garbage – WET – Green, DRY – Blue and Red for empty JUICE/MILK containers.

Students must purchase their lunches at one time and not make many trips to the counter.

Students must use inside voices and behave in an appropriate manner.

Students must be respectful.

Cafeteria cleanup will be the responsibility of all children

Students will be dismissed by table by supervising teacher(s).

3 – 5 Running Club Procedures

Students must finish eating their lunch and clean up their items.

Students will request a token to go to the gym to participate in the running club.

Students will remain in the running club until the bell rings and are dismissed by the duty teacher.

Intramural Procedures

Students must arrive at the gym within 5 minutes of the bell (using the ramp to enter through the cafeteria).

Once students are in the gym they must stay in assigned sitting/playing areas.

Students are not permitted to leave the gym until the end of the activity.

NO Food or Drinks in the Gym.

Playground Rules

Stay on the playground at all times.

Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

Use the equipment properly, in the assigned spaces.

Keep snow, rocks, and pinecones on the ground.

Do not climb over or under the fence.

Line up immediately and quietly at the bell in your assigned line up space.

Hallway and Stair Procedures

Students must walk in the hallways and on the stairs, on the right hand side.

Students will use inside voices when they are in the school.

Students will remain with their classmates when moving in the school and behave in an appropriate manner.

When going outside for recess or after school, students will walk in an orderly and safe manner.

Student Use of Office Telephone

Students are required to have a phone pass/student agenda and permission from their teacher to use the phone in the office. Students are not to use this phone to make after school plans during the school day. All plans and transportation should be arranged before the event.

Late Arrivals/Early Dismissal

All students are required to sign in at the office if they arrive late. They must sign out at the office if leaving the school during instructional hours. Lou MacNarin School has a closed campus and students must be signed out by a parent/guardian/designate in order to leave the school during instructional hours.

End of Day Exiting the Building

Students will be expected to walk down the hallway as a class, toward their assigned exit doorway. Students are to walk down the stair cases in single file and proceed to the cafeteria in their assigned bus lines to wait for their bus in an orderly manner. K-2 walking students will use the West End K – 2 Doorway and be delivered to their parents/guardians. Bus students and Day Care Van/Bus students will walk to the bus slip with their teacher and be dropped off at their assigned bus.

Grades 4 and Grade 5 will exit the building using the central stairs to the cafeteria to wait to catch their bus. Walking students will use assigned stair cases as well.

Supervising staff will call busses using the FM system to announce as busses arrive. Student will exit the building in a safe manner and line up to board their bus. Once students are settled in their seats, the busses will depart.

Bus Rules

Students are required to travel on their assigned busses

Notes from parents/guardians are not to be used to request permission to go to friends’ houses after school.

Students are required to follow all bus rules as instructed by the driver.

Afterschool Transfer – MHS will have students transfer busses from the high school going to Memramcook in the Lou MacNarin Bus Slip.

Information and Communication Technologies

Policy 311 Appendix C

Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement

Students using Information and Communication Technology at school will have the Agreement signed and returned to the school.

Students will use ICT equipment under the supervision of staff – including classroom computers, computer labs, and portable labs.

Students are not permitted to use personal ICT (cell phones, ipads, ipods, DS unless approved by staff during instructional hours.